Saturday, March 28, 2015

Mippy Manor's Week in Review: Choas Edition

This week has absolutely flown by. Seriously, I have no idea how it went by as fast as it did, but it is gone, and I know it won't be back

We started off the week with two brand new chore charts up on the wall. I'd tried them before to no avail, but now, the competitiveness is coming out and it is all about collecting those little aluminum star stickers. If I ask them to do something, and they still refuse, I remind them that they need to do it to get the sticker. Works like a charm. The only thing I have to do is hide the stickers where I can get them, but they can't. No easy feat when you still have two climbers on your hands.

Wednesday, the kids got the Easter box from Grandma-Mom (with all the grandparents being remarried, they have 7). They each got $10 in their card, which made the trip to pick up refills and grab a few groceries, so much easier. They're really getting the hang of the bus. Ryli held one of the posts and held on the entire time the bus was in motion. Landry pushed the button for our stop.They're getting better and better at the whole thing.

Thursday was a sit on my butt day. Once again, I tweaked my bum right knee. Whilst sitting on said butt, I found a new primary care physician and scheduled an appointment. I sense leaving that appointment with a referral for an MRI, and I think this one is going to be even worse than the one I had the day I realized that I was late for my period. I found out I was pregnant with Landry the next morning.

The older girls that live in the next building have come by every evening to ask if the kids can play. Ryli and Landry have had no problem sleeping at night, needless to say. They've ridden scooters, played  with Littlest Pet Shop and dinosaurs, drew with 3D chalk, and hit the playground. It's been nice.

The living room was rearranged yesterday. It's a totally new room, with plenty of space for the kids to play dinosaurs or Littlest Pet Shop. It will also prevent as much stuff (pony tail holders and toys) from getting under the couch so much. I'm actually a bit embarrassed that I didn't think of this set-up sooner. Oh well.

Next week is a busy one. The final court date for custody and all of that is Thursday. I'm not nervous about the hearing itself. Its the whole seeing X that makes me stomach turn. Landry gets registered for pre-k on April Fools Day. Personally, I find that slightly amusing and will probably bring that up at least once in his academic career. 

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