Thursday, October 1, 2015

Mama's Mission of the Month: October 2015

Yes... I am so excited to start this again. I went to go grab the link to the original post on Mama Jenn, and had the surprise that she herself has a ton of posts up again. So, after I get this squared away, where do you think I'll be?

Here goes nothing...

  1. Start drinking more water and less caffeine
  2. Take all medications on time
  3. Go see the ortho about my stupid, noisy, painful knee
  1. At least one real date night
  2. Work more on communication
  1. Get the kids to all of their appointments
  2. Start chore charts (with incentives) on 10/5
  3. Go on Ryli's first Girl Scout camp out
  1. Get back into Moving Beyond the Page with Landry
  2. for both the kids
  3. Work with Landry on helping out
  1. Meal plan and stick to it
  2. Budget and stick to it
  3. Get this place ship shape by October 15th
  1. Wednesday Facebook chats with Teeni
  2. Update contacts in iPad, phones, and Cozi
  3. Care package for Tucker
  1. Get this reboot started (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.)
  2. Start shopping for a 2016 blog planner
  3. Get focused
  1. Routines (FlyLady again, Clean Mama's 31 Days to a Clean House and Cleaning Calender for 2015, Chore Charts, etc.)
  2. Keep all calendars current
  3. Keep ALL appointments
Let's see how this month pans out. Drum roll for November 1st! I'll also roll out November's mission. I'll see you then!

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